Helping The Community
CPL ClassMichigan Concealed Pistol License
This is a minimum eight (8) hour course that generally takes 9-10 hours on a single Saturday.
- Next class dates TBD (Please see the calendar or signs in the club lobby for scheduled classes)
It includes a minimum one hour from a highly qualified attorney (with excellent firearms skills) on the legal aspects of Concealed Carry.
Students will be expected to bring a handgun that is sighted-in and reliable and about 100 rounds of your ammunition.
You will receive a 200 page NRA book and must pass both written and shooting tests prior to receiving a certificate of completion that is needed in order to apply for a Michigan Concealed Pistol License.
The cost to TCRGC members is $125. Please note the prerequisite to this class below:
This course meets the legal requirements of Michigan Public Act 719 (2002).
"Basic Introduction to Handguns”. This is a three (3) hour introduction course that is oriented toward pending, and/or new, handgun owners.
Students will learn the rules for safe gun handling; the parts and operation of a handgun; ammunition; and shooting fundamentals including proper stance, grip, sight alignment, and trigger squeeze.
Completion of this course meets the requirements to take the CPL course at TCRGC, Inc. Contact Shannan@TCRGC.org to sign up and check our calendar for already scheduled classes.
A quick basic handgun orientation can be available to new shooters on a more informal basis.
This training is provided by experienced club range officers using their personal handguns.
It would cover basic firearm/range safety, basic firearm operation, basic shooting techniques, and live range time.
Training would run run about 45 minutes and cost would be the normal $15 for A Daily Limited Membership and $5 for range time. Students must supply the .22LR ammunition.
This training would need to be scheduled in advance through Phil@TCRGC.org and would occur during normal open range hours.
No certificate is issued and this orientation does NOT qualify one to take a CPL class.
Prior to be registered for a CPL class, students should be able to do all of the following:
State and demonstrate safe gun handling skills.
Adjust their sights correctly to change the point of bullet impact.
Adequately disassemble their handgun and demonstrate safe cleaning procedures.
Shoot three 5 shot groups that are smaller than nine inches at a distance of 15 feet.
PLEASE NOTE: The CPL class is not for new or novice handgun shooters. Those interested in a CPL permit, that cannot demonstrate basic handgun safety and marksmanship should take Shannan's Basic "Introduction to Handguns" course first.
TCRGC and NRA membership information can be found on our Membership page.