The Range
Warm in the Winter and Cool in the Summer.
TCRGC is an indoor range dedicated to handgun and rifle shooting.
We apologize to the many fine shotgunners who want to shoot trap, skeet and sporting clays, and therefore need an outdoor club.
Shotgun slug shooters can sight in their deer guns on our rifle range.
When the wind chill outside is enough to numb your fingers, our heaters feel wonderful! On the other hand, when the heat index outside is 100 degrees, our air conditioning feels mighty nice! And there's never enough wind to blow your bullet off course, even when our exhaust fans are on full.
- Our facility provides a 25 yard pistol range as well as a 100 yard rifle range (also indoors).
- Hours of operation are shown on the home page
Shooting Events:
Bowling Pins, Bulls-eye, Action/Fun shoots, etc., see Calendar section for event schedule.
Other Notes:
All shooters must be members; Limited Daily Memberships are available for $20.
Range time is in 1/2 hour increments. If there are no shooters on site 1/2 hour before closing, the Range Officer reserves the right to close at that time without notice.
Range Officers are volunteers and unexpected schedule conflicts can occur.
It is recommended to call the club (616-786-0223) first during normal shooting hours to be sure the firing line is hot. Range Officers are not required to respond to the club's answering machine.
If the regular shooting times coincide with a major national holiday or holiday weekend, the range may not be open for shooting. These holidays are: Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Year's Day.
New Range Officers are frequently needed. If you are interested in becoming a Range Officer, either on occasion or as a routine, please contact ( phil@tcrgc.org ) to learn about training. Some perks are provided for RO's but the position consists mostly of camaraderie and work.
Shooting time and prices are subject to change without notice.

Rifle Range

Pistol Range